Introduction to CorelDraw Introduction to CorelDraw 16 Apr 100% Complete Last activity on 11/21/2019 8:14 pm Complete Introduction to CorelDraw 19 Chapters| 2 Hours Course Content Expand All 1. Applying outline in CorelDraw 2. CORELDRAW: Tool Box 3. CORELDRAW: Introduction 4. CORELDRAW: Adding Fonts in CorelDraw 5. CORELDRAW: Tool Box 1 6. CORELDRAW: Adding URL link to CorelDraw design 7. CORELDRAW: Attract tool in Coreldraw 8. CORELDRAW: B-Spline Tool 9. CORELDRAW: Bezier tool in Corel Draw 10. CORELDRAW: Blend Tool 11. CORELDRAW: Color Eyedropper Tool 12. CORELDRAW: Contour Tools 13. CORELDRAW: Crop Tool in Corel Draw 14. CORELDRAW: Design Addidas Logo From Scratch 15. CORELDRAW: Design Apple Logo 16. CORELDRAW: Design BMW Logo 17. CORELDRAW: Trim Tool Box 18. CORELDRAW: Transparency Tool Box 19. CORELDRAW: Twirl Tool Box 20. Introduction to CorelDraw ---Exam Bastian Backer